About Us
Reuma.pt is an observational, prospective, long-term national registry of rheumatic patients, conceived and promoted by the Portuguese Society of Rheumatology (SPR).
The Reuma.pt registry works as an electronic clinical file available on an online web platform, designed to be used in real time while observing the patients, and it is subjected to the signature of an informed consent by the patient. Since 2008, Reuma.pt has been used on a regular basis by rheumatologists and other health professionals, in order to collect and register clinical data of rheumatic patients.
Reuma.pt has also an area exclusively reserved for patients, named Patient Area, in which patients can fill in various disease-specific self-assessment questionnaires, with the answers being automatically loaded on the consultation page. This exclusive Patient Area is currently undergoing renovation to better meet the needs of rheumatic patients.
Reuma.pt has national coverage and became a fundamental resource for the development of clinical research in Rheumatology, but it is also crucial for the continuous improvement of care provided to rheumatic patients.
The Reuma.pt registry is constantly being updated with the generation of new registration screens/layouts for diseases or other health-related issues. Two of the most recent being the registration of rheumatic patients infected with SARS-CoV-2, as well as the registration of patients’ vaccination against COVID-19.
The activity of Reuma.pt is regularly disclosed in monthly newsletters and on an annual report, with a detailed description of all the data registered.
The Reuma.pt registry has protocols available for the prospective registration of 13 different rheumatic diseases.
In addition, Reuma.pt has two generic protocols to record data on other rheumatic diseases, both occurring in children and adults.
Since 2014, Reuma.pt has made available English protocols for all the rheumatic diseases described above..
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
Early arthritis (EA)
Spondyloarthritis (SpA)
Psoriatic arthritis (PsA)
Osteoarthrosis (OA)
Juvenile Idiophatic Arthritis (JIA)
Systemic Lupus Erithematosus (SLE)
Sjögren's syndrome
Auto-inflammatory syndromes (AIS)
Osteoporosis/osteoporotic fractures
Mixed connective tissue disease (MTCD)
Other Features of Reuma.pt
Sharing of clinical data between the different centers.
Generation of automated center-specific statistical reports.
Generation of a list of irregularities.
Data search by demographic and clinical characteristics of the patients.
Emission of standardized letters for general practitioner doctors and for the pulmonology diagnosis centers.
Creation and visualization of checklists.
Be a driving force to promote the improvement of health care provided to rheumatic patients.
Promote an increase in knowledge and research performed in the Rheumatology area.
Become the National Registry of all rheumatic patients, including all rheumatic diseases.
Be the official electronic clinical file used by all rheumatologists, thus avoiding duplication of data recording actions by clinicians.
Provide simple and fast access to clinical data by clinicians and their centers, that allow them to quickly answer administrative questions and support their clinical decisions.
Provide patients with useful information about their disease and treatment.
Andreia Cordeiro
Study Coordinator
Formation area
Chemical and biochemical engineering
December 2024
Coordinating and Scientific Committee (CSC)
The Reuma.pt CSC for 2024-2026 consists of six elements appointed by the SPR Board and Elsa Vieira Sousa, as the Reuma.pt National Coordinator.
National Commission (NC)
The NC of Reuma.pt for 2022-2024 includes representatives from each clinical center belonging to Reuma.pt, that make the liaison between the CSC of Reuma.pt and the respective center.
Experts group
The Experts Group for 2022-2024 is composed of rapporteurs of the working groups and are responsible for evaluating scientific projects and propose national and international initiatives.
Coordinating and Scientific Committee (CSC)
National Commission (NC)
Experts group